Summer is a prime time for homeownership dreams to become reality. Each year the federal government kicks off National Homeownership Month in the summer, and this year the theme is “Preserving
the Dream.” “Homeownership Month is a time to reaffirm the important role that ‘home’ plays for our families and the neighborhoods where they live,” said Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan. “Owning a home has historically been the principal vehicle for Americans to build equity, start businesses, put kids through college, and retire with comfort and dignity. After all we’ve been through, we must stand by an institution that has helped build our nation’s middle class.” In the City of Milwaukee, there are several paths to owning a home, and, right now, remarkably good opportunities exist to become a homeowner. Through the Mayor’s Strong Neighborhoods effort, many reasonably priced houses are available for purchase in Milwaukee. A good compilation of city-owned homes for sale can be found at:
That website offers details about the homes for sale including prices and detailed lists of any work that needs to be done to improve the properties. The site also has information about cash assistance the City offers to buyers. One program, the Homebuyer Assistance Program, provides up to $20,000 to help with the rehabilitation of City-owned foreclosed homes. Debt and credit problems hold back some potential buyers. Even with those challenges, respected local agencies can lead a buyer through the options that are available. A number of successful home buyers have overcome past financial issues to become homeowners. “When homeowners invest in Milwaukee our neighborhoods are stronger,” Mayor Tom Barrett said. “For many people, homeownership in the City is a great alternative to paying rent. And it is a very good time to consider that option.” The best way to start the process of buying a home in Milwaukee is to contact a licensed real estate professional