Every year the men of the tenth district of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. gather to discuss business as well as celebrate the achievements of its members who have helped to better the community. This year the 78th District Convention was held here in Milwaukee and hosted by the Kappa Phi chapter from Thursday, April 16, through Sunday, April 19, 2015. The Kappa Phi Chapter was chartered on April 15, 1953 by Edward W. Smyth, James Field, Preston Beckley, Dr. John Maxwell, Sr., Cecil Yancy, Curtis McWorter, Thomas Cheeks, Corneff Taylor, Clarence Parrish, Sr., Reginald Bruce, John Pope and Robert Wilson. Among the weekend activities were annual meetings, an awards banquet held on Saturday night, and a tree planting on Sunday. Pictured at the awards banquet are (from left) Relious Stepherson III, Cordell Smith, Chad E.A. Davis, Clark Lovell, Anthony Rice, and Marcel A. Clarke. Congratulations Kappa Phi Chapter on hosting the 2015 Omega Psi Phi 10th District Convention!