Certain health principles are universal–human biology works a certain way–but men and women have different health risks, especially as they age. Men are more likely than women to skip doctor’s visits and wellness checkups, but prevention goes a long way toward reducing your risk of the top 10 health risks for men.
Heart disease
Heart disease kills 27.2 percent of men of all races, according to the National Women’s Health Information Center. Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy weight to reduce your risk, MayoClinic.com advises.
Lung cancer, followed by prostate cancer and colorectal cancer, is the leading cancer killer in men. Quit smoking now, and see your doctor for regular checkups and screenings. Getting to a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet can also reduce your risk of cancer, according to MayoClinic.com.
Erectile dysfunction, kidney disease and vision problems are all signs of type 2 diabetes, in which your body fails to use the insulin it makes from the food you eat. Family history, age and race play a role, but eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and eating a low-sugar diet can prevent or postpone the onset, according to WomensHealth.gov.
Prostate health
As you age, your prostate gland can enlarge, causing difficulty urinating or frequent urination. This can be a benign condition, or it can be caused by an infection or even cancer. See your doctor for regular prostate exams to catch irregularities before they start, FamilyDoctor.org says.
Erectile dysfunction
Most common in men over 75, erectile dysfunction, or ED, can occur at any age. Caused by chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis, ED can also be caused by stress, fatigue or prescription medication. Many treatment options are available, but you must first treat the underlying cause.
Mental health
Suicide kills 2.2 percent of men. Although suicide is attempted more by women, men are more likely to succeed. A man’s suicide risk peaks in his 20s, and then later in his 60s and 70s, and is even greater if he is unemployed, socially isolated or chronically ill. If you feel depressed, seek treatment from your doctor, a therapist, or call a suicide prevention hotline.
Accidental injuries
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of fatal accidents for men, followed by falls and poisoning. Wear your seat belt, obey traffic laws and don’t drive when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol or are sleepy. Use hazardous chemicals only as directed, and use carbon monoxide detectors and nonslip mats in your home.
Respiratory disease
Chronic lower respiratory disease includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis and kills 5 percent of all men. The main cause is smoking, but exposure to hazardous chemicals can also contribute. Stop smoking now to reduce your risk, and use appropriate safety precautions like ventilators when working with chemicals.
Kidney disease
Kidney disease usually occurs secondary to diabetes or high blood pressure. If you have a chronic condition, follow your doctor’s orders regarding treatment. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting plenty of exercise and limiting your salt intake can reduce your risk.
Family history, age and race all contribute to your risk of stroke, but watching your weight, eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking and getting enough exercise can reduce your risk. African American men have a higher risk of stroke and of dying from a stroke because they are more likely to have high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor.