With health delivery in such chaos and uncertainty, we at Carter Drug Store suggest arming yourselves with the latest up-to- date information, which hopefully will prevent minor problems from escalating into major problems. You and your loved ones deserve the best treatment possible to survive in these difficult times.
Antioxidant enzymes
to the rescue
Our most important defense against radiation is the body’s antioxidant enzyme system. Enzymes are catalysts. Made up of proteins (which are made up of amino acids), enzymes allow the cell to carry out chemical reactions very quickly, building things up and breaking them down as needed. (Ditto, digestive enzymes.) Among other jobs, they run our metabolism (makes energy). This means that antioxidant enzymes work much faster than nonenzymatic antioxidants. Hence, catalase, which forms using sulfur, works more quickly than vitamin C which is also life-sustaining, works into some enzyme systems, but is not an enzyme. (All enzymes have the suffix -ase.)
Here is a list of the antioxidant enzymes produced by the body and the nutrients needed to sustain them.
• S.O.D., superoxide dismutase, is a group of three enzymes, which differ by the mineral informing their function. They are zinc-, copper-, and manganese- dependent. S.O.D. plays a huge role by quenching the superoxide free radical, considered the most lethal oxygen radical. Our body increases the amount of this enzyme when there are plenty of minerals, veggies, and vitamin C. CoQ10 helps make up for deficits.
• Catalase, next in importance, can increase quickly when needed. To support catalase quantities, Apsley recommends high quality whey protein to supply sulfur-containing cystine and cysteine. Some algae are also recommended.
• Glutathione is named “The Mother of All Antioxidants” by Mark Hyman, MD, who says it is the most important molecule we need to stay healthy and prevent disease. He notes that it is a champion radiation fighter. Apsley remarks that the body is slow to build glutathione (gloo-ta-thigh’own). The solution is to keep our reserves up. N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), glycine, glutamine, selenium, and melatonin all support glutathione production.
Again, CoQ10 may compensate for deficits.
• Methionine Reductase is essential to quench the hydroxyl radical, another dangerous free radical. It requires selenium as well as methionine, folic acid, and vitamin B12.
• Thioredoxin regenerates the antioxidant systems and is known to prevent free radical damage to the heart. It works with glutathione and is essential to protect our genetic code and nervous system. In addition, this antioxidant system is fat soluble, restoring and protecting the cell membrane. Thioredoxin levels are maintained by the sulfur-containing foods and supplements listed above as well as by curcumin, the active ingredient in the golden spice turmeric.
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