On Saturday, November 2, 2019, Men Moving Forward presented a prostate health education event at Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, 3456 N. 38th St. Men Moving Forward is a support group for African American men who have survived prostate cancer. The event served to help educate African American men about the diagnosis, treatment, and support for how to deal with prostate cancer. The event included an “Ask the Doctor Panel,” survivor stories; a raffle, and awards presentation. This event was co-sponsored by Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin, Pilgrim Rest M.B.C., Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories, The Milwaukee Bucks, and the Prostate Health Education Network.
Pictured at the event are (back row, from left) Sherman Jackson; William Harrell; Jermaine Murry; Randy Allison; Donald E. Vaughn; Gerald Childs; (front row, from left) Terrance Patterson; Pastor Martin Childs, Jr.; and Richard M. Badger.