The University of Wisconsin’s Precollege Enrichment Opportunity Program For Learning Excellence (PEOPLE) enrollment for 8th graders on up is approaching. The deadline for the 2018 summer program is Monday, March 12, 2018. Interested applicants can download forms or apply online at
What is PEOPLE?
PEOPLE is a pre-college pipeline for students of color and low-income students, most of whom are the first in their families to potentially attend college. Their journey prepares them to apply, be successfully admitted and enroll at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. PEOPLE accepts highly motivated students into a rigorous program to build study skills, explore and strengthen academic and career interests, and gain a positive experience on a world-class campus.
Who can participate?
PEOPLE is designed for students with strong academic potential who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and also are African American, American Indian, Asian American (with an emphasis on Southeast Asian American), Chicano/a, Puerto Rican, Latino/a, or low-income students.
Middle school program
Sixth grade students in the Madison Metropolitan School District and Menominee Indian School District only are eligible to apply to the Middle School Program.
Students must submit a completed application form, a middle school transcript, recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor, and a one-page autobiography. A minimum 2.75 grade point average is required in core subjects (English, sciences, math,and social studies).
High school program
Students must currently be in ninth grade and:
1. attend one of the public school districts listed.
2. attend one of the existing partnership schools and be a member of the American Indian Tribes of Wisconsin.
3. have completed the middle school portion of the PEOPLE Program.
Students must submit a completed application form, a high school transcript, recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor and a one-page autobiography. A minimum 2.75 grade point average is required in five core subjects (English, sciences, algebra or geometry, social studies and foreign language).
Priority for admission will be given to students eligible for the free and reduced hot lunch program.
Upon graduation from high school, each PEOPLE student who is admitted to UW–Madison and completes the Bridge–to–College Program will be eligible for an in-state undergraduate tuition scholarship at UW-Madison.
NOTE: Completing the PEOPLE Program does not guarantee admission to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.