For more than 20 years, Wisconsin Challenge Academy has been helping students develop character, gain life skills, and graduate. Traditional school doesn’t work for all students, and the Wisconsin Challenge Academy is designed for young people who struggle in school and are at risk of not graduating. Challenge Academy uses military practices to help youth gain the values, education, and self-discipline necessary to succeed. Youth have the chance to get on track to earn their diploma.
The Wisconsin Challenge Academy is free to all eligible students. Students live, work, and learn for 5 ½ months at Fort McCoy in western Wisconsin. Most MPS recruits (95%) return to Milwaukee Public Schools to complete their credits and graduate. When they return, students are matched with a mentor for 12 months of ongoing support.
While at Wisconsin Challenge Academy, cadets focus on eight core areas:
• Academic excellence
• Physical fitness
• Leadership
• Health and hygiene
• Life-coping skills
• Responsible citizenship
• Service to community
• Job skills
Who is eligible?
Males and females who are 16 years 9 months old (when program begins) but not yet 19 and are:
• One or more years behind in high school credits, expelled, or dropped out
• A citizen or legal resident of the United States and a Wisconsin resident
• Not currently on parole or probation (other than juvenile status offenses)
• Not charged or convicted of a felony
• Drug free (upon entry to the program)
• A willing participant
Wisconsin Challenge Academy sessions begin each January and July. Cadets graduate from the Academy in June and December. Students who complete Challenge Academy can return to MPS to earn their traditional high school diploma and participate in their graduation ceremony.
Attend our Information Session on Wednesday, March 27, 2019. Presentations are at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Join us in the MPS Central Services Auditorium, 5225 W. Vliet St., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Please email the number of family members who will attend to elo@milwaukee.
If you cannot attend, visit or contact MPS Extended Learning Opportunities at or 414-475-8238.