The Milwaukee Board of School Directors voted Monday, October 14, 2013 to take the first step in the sale of the Malcolm X complex. It authorized the administration to request the City of Milwaukee sell the building to 2760 Holdings, LLC. MPS buildings are owned by the City of Milwaukee, so the sale must be approved by the Milwaukee Common Council.
The building is being sold to 2760 Holdings, LLC for the purchase price of $2.1 million. 2760 Holdings would develop the space. There is an option for Milwaukee Public Schools to lease back any space used for MPS educational purposes. The sale marks the completion of a multi-year process that will result in a multi-purpose facility that includes an MPS school.
In August 2012, the Board of School Directors authorized the administration to explore the option of community centers for several unused Milwaukee Public Schools buildings. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning sponsored a design event this summer for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Economic Development Corp., where use of the former Malcolm X building as a community center was affirmed.