Why Dr. Darrell L. Williams is Wisconsin’s Best Choice for the U.S. Senate by a Concerned Voter
I don’t know about you, but when I look at the characteristics and attributes in the next United States Senator for the State of Wisconsin, ‘to represent me,’ hands down it is Dr. Darrell Williams. He is the kind of guy who has not only pulled himself up by the bootstraps, but God graced him from meager agricultural beginnings in Southern Mississippi and has provided the much needed leadership and resources to help others to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps in the State of Wisconsin. His track record is unprecedented.
He is a Ph.D. scholar and graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Urban Education. He has served for more than two decades as an administrator in education and was selected as National Principal of the Year. From Principal of Whittier School of Excellence, to Interim Superintendent of the Beloit School System prior to being selected to Lead Governor Tony Evers Crisis Team, Darrell Williams is a strong supporter of student leadership initiatives and bringing top leaders and mentors in the public school system to empower them to dare to dream their own dreams and discover success along life’s path.

Darrell Williams is a 29- year decorated combat veteran who received the Bronze Star and Purple Heart for service to our country both domwarixLLY and abroad. With the war raging BY Russia against Ukraine, we need a United STATES Senator for the State of Wisconsin who knows how to lead, be a voice, and support our military troops. You can count on Darrell Williams being up for the task to show courage, unity and solidarity for our sate and our country.
Governor Tony Evers appointed Dr. Darrell Williams to his team to lead the State’s Emergency Management agency with his extensive military and scholastic experience to represent the State of Wisconsin locally and at the national level prior to the pandemic of COVID-19. We were able to count on Darrell Williams’ leadership and expertise to rise to the occasion and help orchestrate the health care manpower to strategically and intentionally spearhead the COVID-19 crisis safety plan until the mask mandate was dropped March 1, 2022. Wisconsin received the services needed to survive this devastating crisis. Dr. Williams’ expertise and experience was key as vaccine sites were identified at the Wisconsin Center and MLK Health Center, to administer vaccines, testing sites, sanitation products, masks and other needed resources to get us safely through this crisis.
Dr. Williams was on the front line making certain that both providers and the public were able to rise to the occasion with the resources needed to combat the mental health crisis escalation and the residual effects COVID-19 has had on children, teens adults and elderly. He was an advocate and a voice for the people at the State and national level in the discussion to get more funding for mental health support to for people across the state of Wisconsin and this nation.
Dr. Williams has served as a leader and advocate for Native Americans in Wisconsin by making certain that their voices are not only heard but that they are able to thrive in their culture and communities utilizing the resources made available.
He supports for Historically Black Colleges and Universities realizing this is the ticket to freedom and success for many young people.
Darrell Williams supports providing more jobs for Wisconsinites and resources to local businesses so that they can continue to thrive and flourish and provide services that keeps our cities vibrant within the local or downtown community. Dr. Williams knows the value of an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work and how employing others helps to keep our economy strong and in demand.
Dr. Williams knows about trusting the sciences to lead us out of this senseless violence that is taking the lives of innocent women and children. He knows that urgent reform is needed to save our young African American males who are endangered. Dr. Williams recognizes that combating crime starts with education which is why he started the Student Leadership Pro-gram to Transform both the Schools and the Community through student empowerment.
Dr. Williams knows the importance of family and the long traditional values that hold near and dear, to Wisconsinites. You may see him and his beautiful wife on the Great Lakes celebrating Wisconsin’s great heritage at the State Fair, Summerfest, the Black Holocaust Museum, fellowshipping at local churches, Bucks Championship, Brewers games or just building and creating relationships and memories with local Wisconsinites.
Dr. Darrell Williams is the most equipped, relevant and qualified leader for the U.S. Senate from Wisconsin. He is more than popularity or familiarity and wealth; he has leveraged himself a platform to help others access resources so that Wisconsinites are able to pull themselves and others up by their own bootstraps just as he has done in his own personal life. Darrell Williams is a firm believer in “the People.” His record is evidence that he cares about the people of Wisconsin and he has not made it to the White House yet. How much more will he do for the state of Wisconsin if you make him your choice?
VOTE: Darrell Williams for Wisconsin’s next United State Senator. Williams Works for Wisconsin!