he end of another year. We began 2015 with a focus on New Year’s resolves. Readers were reminded that New Year’s is a time, according to the American Psychological Association, for people to reflect on their past year’s behavior and promise to make positive lifestyle changes. In response, January’s articles focused on making healthy lifestyle changes. In response to your request, in July this column ran articles entitled “Healthy Living” which received enormous feedback.
A series which received equivalent response were the articles run during the month of February regarding African American History Month. The old Negro Spiritual included in those articles was called: “We’ve Come A Long Way”, which, per your request, is re-run below:
We’ve come a long way, Lord, a mighty long way,
We’ve borne our burdens in the heat of the day,
But we know the Lord has made the way,
We’ve come a long way,
Lord, a mighty long way.
For the month of June this column featured special articles honoring fatherhood. The articles were written by men who responded to the question: “What Have Been The Greatest Joys of Fatherhood.?” Due to popular demand, readers will be asked to submit articles again in 2016 responding to this question to run during the month of June. If you are interested in submitting a piece, please note the following submission requirements which will be strictly followed:
The Counseling Corner submission requirements:
Due to space limitations, unfortunately, not all submissions can be considered. Thus, submissions will be taken on a first-come/first-served basis. Submissions are to be typed double-spaced no more than 300 words. Submissions may be handwritten as long as it is decipherable. All submissions are subject to editing. Please include your name, phone number or email address on all submissions. No photos please. Submissions are to be sent to this writer by the deadline given at P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI, 53008.
Beginning 2016 this column will have been ministering via the print media for over 15 years. Each year that goes by is a reminder that we must make the very most of our time recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence (Ephesians 5:16, Amplified Bible). Since the inception of this column this writer has used diligence and care with every article featured in this column and makes reasonable efforts to ensure that all information presented is fair, accurate and complete. You can expect this writer to continue to take advantage of every opportunity to enlighten, inform and engage our readers each week in the coming years. Many thanks to our readership for your ideas and suggestions as well as your encouraging letters over the years. Please keep them coming. This column would not be what it is without you!
As noted previously, next year readers can expect articles that will encourage reader participation. Look for those opportunities in March 2016 for the months of May and June as we prepare to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Articles in 2016 will also feature ways to grow spiritually and tackle a painful topic regarding marital infidelity pursuant to reader request. And yes, you have this writer’s promise not to discontinue the “awareness months” articles. This writer believes she owes it to the public to continue to raise awareness on topics that are important to our reading community.
As always, this column will take a break for the balance of this month and will return the 1st week in January, 2016. “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8, NLT).