The congregation of Friendship Baptist Church, 905 W. North Ave., held an Installation Ceremony to install their new pastor, Rev. Joseph Hamilton Jackson, Jr., on Sunday, November 24, 2013. Under the leadership of the late Pastor Joe A. Games of Providence Baptist Church, Rev. Jackson was ordained a minister on July 31, 1992. On his spiritual journey, Rev. Jackson served as Associate Minister and Youth Director at Providence Baptist Church, staff chaplain at Sinai Samaritan Medical Center, President of Milwaukee Inner City Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH), and Associate Minister at Blessed Deliverance Baptist Church. Several pastors were present, including Pastor Christopher Boston, Rev. Willie Brisco, Pastor John K. Patterson, Pastor John Laura, Pastor Archie Ivy and Pastor Robert T. Wilson who presented the Charge as Pastor to Pastor Jackson. Pastor Anthony Phillips of Blessed Deliverance Baptist Church preached the message of installation. Rev. Phillips preached about the calling and responsibilities of a pastor. He said: “When I consider all that the universe has made, who am I that you are mindful of me? I’ve been called, I’ve been chosen, I’ve been sent and now installed, this is an awesome responsibility,” said Rev. Joe H. Jackson. Pictured are (from left) Rev. Joseph Jackson, Jr., wife Brenda Jackson, and Pastor Anthony Phillips.