“A Chosen Ambassador for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20) was the 34th Pastoral Anniversary Service theme honoring Rev. Dr. F.L. and First Lady Mary L. Crouther of New Covenant Baptist Church, Sunday, October 27, 2013. The morning message was preached by Rev. Dr. John W. McVicker, Pastor, Christ the King Baptist Church. “A Tribute to a Preacher” was the title of his message.“According to Old Testament scholars there was a period of 430 years that there was no preaching in Judea. 430 years, that is a long time for people to live in a non-preaching society. 430 years is a long time for families without hearing a word from heaven by way of a preacher. 430 years is a long time for the head of the house to provide for his household without hearing the Gospel of peace. 430 years is quite a long time for a nation to endure without hearing a preacher quote Psalm 33:12 which says, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.’ We come today to pay tribute to God’s preacher,” said Rev. John W. McVicker, Pastor of Christ The King Baptist Church in his impassioned speech for Rev. Dr. Fred Crouther of New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church and his wife, First Lady Mary L. Crouther as they celebrated their 34th Pastoral Anniversary. Rev. Fred Crouther began New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church in 1979. Under his leadership, the church has grown to over 600 active members and active missions, including housing and evangelism.