Church members, family and friends of Mattie Cooper gathered together on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 to celebrate her 100th birthday at St. Anne’s Home for the Elderly, 3800 N. 92nd Street. Family members seated in front row are: Theresa Hughes (granddaughter), Destinae Franks (great-greatgreat- granddaughter), Mattie Cooper (honoree) and Daisy Franks (daughter). Pictured in second row are: Cristie Franks (great-great-granddaughter), Doris Ellison (granddaughter), Larence (Jackie) Cooper (son), LaCarter Franks (grandson), Della Mayhorn (niece), Tracy Franks (grandson), and Icy Bryant (niece). Not pictured (but in attendance) were Mrs. Velma Jones, first cousin to Ms. Cooper; and Ms. Donna Bedford, Ms. Cooper’s great-great-niece. Photo by Yvonne Kemp
Save the Date
The African American Women’s Center
“Annual Faces of Hope Luncheon
Saturday, May 18, 2013
3020 W. Vliet St.
Walking in the Light conference at Friendship Progressive Church
Friendship Progressive Baptist Church and Dr. Michael A Cokes, Sr., is hosting a Women’s Conference,”Walking in the Light” on Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. Nine women will be preaching about the significance of shoes. First Lady Tangie Cokes will be preaching on “11 Stilettoes”. This conference will serve to inspire people from all walks of life to keep their focus on Jesus no matter what issues in life they are facing. This event will be at the church located at 3276 N. Palmer Street in Milwaukee.
Philadelphia Baptist Ushers, Nurses to celebrate diamond jubilee
The Ushers and Nurses Guild of Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church, 2033 W. Cherry Street, will observe their “60th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary and Homecoming Day Reunion Celebration” on Sunday, May 26, 2013. All former members of the Ushers Board and the Nurses Guild are invited to come back home for this grand occasion. There will be guest and special guest churches from the city and out of the city. Everyone is invited. Brother Jerome Henderson is president and Reverend Maddie Turner, Sr., is pastor.
First Annual Spring Praise & Worship Musical
• Wisconsin General Baptist State Convention Choir
• Wisconsin General Baptist State Convention Youth Choir
• Wisconsin General Baptist State Convention Pastors/Ministers Choir
Date: Saturday, April 27, 2013 • Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Providence Baptist Church • 3865 N. 82nd St.
Rev. Joe A. Games – Host Pastor Dr. Robert T. Wilson, Sr. – WGBSC President Rev. Keith Evans – General Secretary
Family, Friends, Homecoming and Memorial Day to be held at True Heart
The congregation of True Heart Missionary Baptist Church, 4300 W. Villard Avenue, will observe their annual Family, Friends, Founders, Homecoming and Memorial Day Service on Sunday, April 21, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. All former members (since the organizing of True Heart in 1973) and all current members are invited to return for an afternoon of fellowship, worship and praise for this special recognition and reflection on this significant day in the church’s history. A special tribute, in the form of a roll call, which recognizes all True Heart members who are deceased (since the church’s inception in 1973) names will be read aloud during the service. Rev. Robert McFarland is pastor.
Damascus Missionary Baptist Church announces calendar of events for April 2013 April 20, 2013
Mission Ministry sponsors Annual Salad Festival.
Time 1:00 p.m.
Donation $10.00
April 28, 2013
Mission Ministry Annual Day Services at 3:00 p.m.
Theme: “The Church Mission: Real, Relevant, Reachable.” Matthew– 28:19; John 21:15-17.
Messenger: Rev. Rodney Cunningham, Pastor Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church.
Special guest: Mission Ministries from churches throughout the city. President Ann Lawrence
The message will be delivered by Rev. Roy C. Watson,
Pastor of Monumental Baptist Church.
Damascus is located at 2447 N. 27th Street.
The public is invited. Dr. Ellis Wilkins is pastor.