Portrait artist, painter, and muralist Ras `Ammar Nsoroma stands in front of his newly completed "bas-relief" portrait of C. C. Henderson, the for- mer president and chief executive of the Milwau- kee Health Services. Inc., who passed away in 2010. It was unveiled in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new addition to MLK’s Heritage Health Cen- ter on Saturday, May 25, 2013. … [Read more...] about Local Artist Ras ‘Ammar Nsoroma helps dedicate portrait of local health advocate at MHS grand re-opening
Local Artist Ras ‘Ammar Nsoroma helps dedicate portrait of local health advocate at MHS grand re-opening
Portrait artist, painter, and muralist Ras `Ammar Nsoroma stands in front of his newly completed "bas-relief" portrait of C. C. Henderson, the for- mer president and chief executive of the Milwau- kee Health Services. Inc., who passed away in 2010. It was unveiled in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new addition to MLK’s Heritage Health Cen- ter on Saturday, May 25, 2013. … [Read more...] about Local Artist Ras ‘Ammar Nsoroma helps dedicate portrait of local health advocate at MHS grand re-opening
Bee well: Health from the hive (part 3)
Talking Health with Dr. Carter By Dr. Lester Carter Owner, Carter Drug Store When we think bees, most of us think of honey. For millennia, people have enjoyed honey's sweetness and other benefits. What is little known is that the hive is the source of three more health enhancing substances. These are pollen, propolis, and royal jelly. This week we discuss the benefits … [Read more...] about Bee well: Health from the hive (part 3)
Bee well: Health from the hive (part 2)
Talking Health with Dr. Carter By Dr. Lester Carter Owner, Carter Drug Store When we think bees, most of us think of honey. For millennia, people have enjoyed honey's sweetness and other benefits. What is little known is that the hive is the source of three more health enhancing substances. These are pollen, propolis, and royal jelly. This week we discuss the benefits … [Read more...] about Bee well: Health from the hive (part 2)
Health Tips: Broil Fish for a Healthy Dinner
Follow these cooking guidelines Broiling is a healthy way to cook fish that also provides great flavor. If you haven't broiled before, a few basic tips can help you broil your fish to perfection. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics lists these tips for broiling delicious, healthy fish. Understand how the technique works -- broiling is basically like grilling food upside … [Read more...] about Health Tips: Broil Fish for a Healthy Dinner
Community partnerships expanding to provide health screenings
By Raina J. Johnson Special to the Milwaukee Times Since 2010, Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital has had a partnership with the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), which is a collaborative of 44 churches in Milwaukee to provide health screening and other preventative care to congregants and community members in Milwaukee’s central city. The partnership is called Urban Church … [Read more...] about Community partnerships expanding to provide health screenings
Bee well: Health from the hive (part 1)
Talking Health with Dr. Carter By Dr. Lester Carter Owner, Carter Drug Store The "Buzz" about honey Honey is not just another sweetener. But, how many people know or would even guess that honey can balance blood sugar in individuals with diabetes? This information was revealed to the world by Ron Fessenden, MD, MPH, and his colleague, Mike Mcinnes, in The Honey … [Read more...] about Bee well: Health from the hive (part 1)
Superfoods: Foods with benefits (part 3)
Talking Health with Dr. Carter By Dr. Lester Carter Owner, Carter Drug Store Hippocrates had it right around 300 B.C. when he advised, "Make thy food thy medicine, and thy medicine thy food." (We're slow learners as a race, aren't we?) We discuss 10 superfoods. Traditionally defined, these foods have exceptional properties. A grocery list follows the discussion. It … [Read more...] about Superfoods: Foods with benefits (part 3)
Cancer rates dropping among black Americans
But they’re still more likely to die from the disease than whites, study finds A new report finds that cancer rates among blacks in the United States are on the decline, especially among black men, and the improvement may have saved almost 200,000 people from dying of the disease since the early 1990s. Still, blacks continue to be more likely to die of cancer than whites, … [Read more...] about Cancer rates dropping among black Americans
What are the top ten nutritional supplements for women?
Talking Health with Dr. Carter 1. Multivitamin-mineral formula (MVM), supplements contain a combination of vitamins and minerals, and sometimes other ingredients as well. They go by many names, including multis and multiples or simply vitamins. The vitamins and minerals in MVMs have unique roles in the body. 2. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble … [Read more...] about What are the top ten nutritional supplements for women?